Annie’s Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells and Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review


I’m gonna be honest, this mac n cheese is not that good compared to Daiya’s. That’s not to say that this one is bad per se, it’s just… not the one I’d recommend. - The Veg Life - Product Reviews - Annie's Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review - Annie's Box - vegan, vegan food, vegan mac n cheese, mac n cheese, food review, food reviewer, blogger, food blogger

So, this box of mac was shells, with pieces of broccoli in it. I liked that they were shells, I don’t know why the go-to shape is macaroni, but shells worked just as well. The box is the same size and portion as Daiya’s (both boxes only make one bowl), which was great! I was actually a little considered because the box looked smaller for some reason, but when I put them side by side, they were the same. - The Veg Life - Product Reviews - Annie's Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review - Annie's and Daiya's Comparison Boxes - vegan, vegan food, vegan mac n cheese, mac n cheese, food review, food reviewer, blogger, food blogger

The noodles were packed loose in the box, which I don’t really mind because that means less packaging, which means less harm to the Earth (which is always a win!), but the sauce packet was surprisingly smaller. - The Veg Life - Product Reviews - Annie's Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review - Loose Noodles - vegan, vegan food, vegan mac n cheese, mac n cheese, food review, food reviewer, blogger, food blogger - The Veg Life - Product Reviews - Annie's Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review - Sauce Packet - vegan, vegan food, vegan mac n cheese, mac n cheese, food review, food reviewer, blogger, food blogger












Not only was the sauce packet small, but it was also a lighter colour. I didn’t really mind the lighter colour, but was surprised that it tasted watered down.  And I even added vegan margarine and almond milk to it! It was a much mellower taste than Daiya’s. Like, if someone was trying to make mac n cheese from a memory of how it tasted. It was there, just very subtle-y. You could actually probably use this mac n cheese and turn it into another pasta dish without knowing it was originally mac n cheese. - The Veg Life - Product Reviews - Annie's Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar with Broccoli Mac N Cheese Review - Bowl of Mac - vegan, vegan food, vegan mac n cheese, mac n cheese, food review, food reviewer, blogger, food blogger

The dried broccoli tasted pretty much how you’d expect dried broccoli to taste, and the pieces were very small. I mean, I like eating raw broccoli by itself, so maybe I’m just a freak, but if you’re gonna write on the front of your box/advertise that the mac n cheese has broccoli in it, you’d think there would be more broccoli in it, y’know?

All in all, this mac n cheese is pretty underwhelming. Maybe years of eating Daiya has desensitized my taste buds, but it was a pretty subtle flavour. If you don’t like how strong Daiya products taste, then I’d definitely recommend you try this one! Maybe you’ll love how subtle a flavour it has. But for me, this was a miss.

Except for the shells. Whoever was in charge of choosing the shape was on their game.

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