Category Archives: Bloggy

Me talking directly to you in post-form.



I can’t believe another year has come and gone. Crazy.

What’s even crazier? All the sh*t I got done in 2016.


3 books in one year is crazy – ask anybody! (Granted, they were ‘just’ e-books, but still!) I can’t believe that this time last year, all three were just concepts (Melting Hearts and Holiday Treats didn’t even have titles!).

I’m super excited about this year though, because there is so much more I want to do. I made a list of everything I want to get done before 2018, and I have to say, while this list is certainly longer than last years’, I know I can get it done. And I’m excited for all you to see what I have up my sleeve.

While I don’t want to spoil the surprise, I can say that it involves moving away from fanfiction. That in itself is nerve-wracking! To actually put them out there and into the world, instead of in notebooks under my bed? Whew!

Here’s hoping 2017 is even better than last year and that we all achieve our goals.

See you soon!