Egg Breakfast Wrap


Hey guys!

I was very excited to see that Good Rebel finally had the VeganEgg in stock! I went as soon as I could and bought it. Let me tell you, it is amazing! I had scrambled it plain before this, with just a bit of S&P and it was so good! I highly recommend trying it. Now, granted, I haven’t had ‘real’ eggs in a while, but as soon as you open the package, you definitely smell that distinctive egg smell. And it just gets more intense when you mix it with the water.

Seriously, go try it, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Now, for this recipe, I’ve seen a bunch of breakfast wrap/burrito ads lately, and I’m not sure if it’s due to the warm weather or what, but I decided I might as well try it now that I’ve found an egg substitute I like. (Sorry Tofu Scramble, you just don’t hold up to this glorious creation)

So, I figured, why not? And thus, this little masterpiece was born. It’s quite simple, but who says good food has to be complicated? The Veg Life - Egg Breakfast Wrap (vegan)

1 VeganEgg

2, 6in. Tortillas

¼ pk Ground Round (I used the Italian Ground Round)

(About) 2Tbsp White Rice

Daiya Mozz Shreds


A Pinch of

– S&P

– Garlic Powder

– Onion Powder


  1. Make the VeganEgg in a pan, scramble it up. Add the S&P.
  2. Place the VeganEgg off to the side and keep warm.
  3. In the same pan, add the ground round, stirring until cooked. Once almost done cooking, add the rice and mix until rice is hot. You can sprinkle some cheese shreds in now if you’d like.
  4. Once that’s done, remove from heat. Take your tortilla and lay down a sprinkle of cheese shreds first, then add ½ the VeganEgg and half the ground round mixture. Fold in both ends and roll so it’s a burrito. Do the same to the other tortilla.
  5. The a pan, add a splash (1Tbsp) of oil and allow to heat on med-high. Once heated, place one of the wraps seam-side down. Let cook until it turns a nice golden brown and then flip over. Once both sides are golden, remove from pan and do the same to the other wrap.
  6. Place on plate and cut in half (optional) and add a handful of grapes.

Serve immediately and enjoy!

So, what do you guys think? Like it? Hate it? Should be thrown into a pit and never made again? Let me know in the comments!

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