Tag Archives: vegan milk alternatives

Vegan Milk Alternatives


… You’re still drinking cows’ milk?

In 2020?!


There are literally tons of non-cruel alternatives to cows’ milk. Why are you still funding such a cruel and unnecessary industry?

AterImber.com - The Veg Life - Vegan Tips - Vegan Milk Alternatives - vegan milk, hemp, soy, coconut, oat, pea, hazelnut, vegan beverages, what vegans drink, vegan tips, vegan food, vegan food blogger,

I made this collage out of alternatives I thought up in about 5 seconds.

Off the top of my head, I came up with:

  • Soy
  • Almond
  • Coconut
  • Pea
  • Oat

There’s obviously way more than just 5 alternatives – since you can make milk out of just about anything – but 5 alternatives for a 5 second brain storm is pretty good.

Some other popular alternatives are:

  • Rice
  • Cashew
  • Hemp
  • Hazelnut (Walnut, Pistachio, Macadamia, and just about any other nut you can think of)
  • Sunflower

So, now you know what’s wrong with dairy, and have at least 10 alternatives to choose from, what are you gonna do with this knowledge? You can no longer claim ignorance, since I’ve just given you all the info you need to make a change.

Wanna know what else I’ve given you?

Zero excuses.

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