“Dean!” Sam bolted upright, heart beat echoing in his ears.
He took in some panting breaths as he took in his surroundings. His brows creased as he saw he was back in Dean’s bedroom.
“Sammich?” Gabriel was standing in the doorway, looking unsure if he should come in.
The giant brought a hand up to the side of his head, “I don’t…” He closed his eyes, trying to will the what happened back to him, but it was no use, “W-what happened?”
Gabriel let out a heavy breath, leaning himself against the doorway, sadness in his eyes, “You blacked out.”
“What?” Sam shook his head, “No, I don’t-” He cut himself off as his eyes landed on the picture that was on the nightstand – it was him and Gabriel, the shorter man was leaned over the back of a chair, lips planted firmly on the giant’s cheek. How did I miss that before? The sinking feeling came back to him as he stared at it, “H-he’s dead, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” Gabriel hesitantly took a few steps into the room, “I’m sorry.”
Check out the FULL story here!