Tag Archives: wriitng

Friggin’ Siblings (Preview)


Written: 17.11.13

Words: 851


Sam huffed, before going back to the bed, are all brothers’ this annoying? Or did I get a special one? He starred at the wall, trying to think of a way he could get even with his brother.

Just then, their dad came in, he strode over to the first bed, gruffly throwing his duffle down, while sliding another out from under it.

“Where’s your brother?” He threw a few different things back and forth between bags, not bothering to look up.

“H-he’s in the shower,” Sammy watched his father in part fascination, part worry.

John zipped one of the bags closed before tossing the other one back to the floor, kicking it back under the bed.

“Is everything okay?” Sammy couldn’t tell if his dad was scared or pissed.

The eldest wretched the door open, pausing a moment to finally look at his son, “I leave in five minutes.”

With that, he was gone. Sammy blinked, did he want me to tell him? His eyes drifted back to the bathroom door, Dean did want to go… Sammy sat on the bed, torn. On the one hand, Dean seemed really excited to go on a hunt, on the other, hunting was dangerous. Sammy had seen how badly some hunts could go, and it was more often then not that they both had to play nurse to John afterward. He didn’t even say what he was hunting… His eyes flicked up to the clock on the wall. He sighed before getting back off the bed, knocking on the door.

“Don’t tell me you have to go again already!”

“No, Dean, I-”

“You really need to get that looked at!”

“Dean, stop, I’m-”

“Maybe when dad gets back he can take you to the doctor. That is not natural!”

Sammys’ hands balled into fists at his sides, “Dean!

He stormed back into the bathroom, giving the shower curtain a death-glare.

“Sammy, what the hell?” A bottle of shampoo came flying out from behind the curtain, “Get out!”

Discover if Sammy gets his revenge here!

Project: Soak (Preview)


Written: 18.09.06

Words: 1,207

He saw a lone tree a few feet away from them, is it big enough to hide both of us? He turned to Cas, who was hiding completely behind the rock, head between his knees, gun laying on the ground next to him.

Why do I bother? The blonde shook his head and tapped him, pointing, “See that tree? We’re gonna run to it. Think you can manage?”

Cas starred blankly at the tree for a second before nodding, “We’ll fit there.”

In the next instant, the two men were behind the tree. Dean blinked, head spinning from the sudden movement before turning to Cas, bewildered and slightly queasy, “You can still teleport?”

The angel looked at the hunter like he was stupid, “Of course.”

Dean rolled his eyes, “Do you know how useful that would’ve been-” he cut himself off, shaking his head, “You know what? It doesn’t matter.”

Dean peered around the trunk, noting the two men were still heading toward the rock they were just behind. Good, maybe now we’ll have a bit of time to- “Cas!” Dean knocked the gun from the angels’ hand, “What the hells’ wrong with you?”

“What?” Cas frowned, looking like a child, “You gave me the gun!”

“You weren’t supposed to shoot from here. You just gave away our position,” The blonde checked around the trunk again and, of fucking course, the two men were running full speed toward them.

“Can you teleport us out of here?”

At the lack of response the blonde turned to the man on his right, you’ve gotten be kidding, “A butterfly? Really, Cas?”

The angel held up his finger in triumph, “They’re endangered, Dean.”

“Yeah, I know they’re-” Dean huffed, chancing another look around tree, mentally cursing as the two men were nowhere in sight. He turned back to the angel, “Can you teleport us out of here?”

Find out if Dean and Cas make it out from under enemy fire here!

I post new short stories every 2 weeks on Fridays!

Face to Face (Preview)


Started: 17.07.20

Finished: 18.08.22

Words: 988

Destiel, Sabriel, C2C

“He didn’t give me a choice.”

“Cas, it’s okay,” Dean swallowed thickly as his eyes landed on the face of the body, “You don’t have to explain.”

“I didn’t-”

“Cas,” he turned to face the angel, hoping he was doing a better job of masking how freaked out he was than he felt, “let’s just get you home.”

“But Dean-”

“Cas, it’s fine,” he closed the small distance between them and pressed a kiss to his lips, “Trust me, okay?”

Cas gave a sheepish nod before allowing himself to be pulled towards the exit, “What are we gonna do?”

Dean let out a breath as he held the door open, “I have no friggin’ idea.”



“Hey, what took you guys-” Sam’s question died on his lips as he took in the expression on Cas’ face, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, we’re good,” Dean came through the door, keeping a guiding hand on Cas’ back as he stood there, eyes not leaving the ground.

“Are you sure?”

Dean held up a hand and shook his head. Sam nodded and shut up, confused eyes not leaving his brother.

Dean rubbed the raven-haired man’s shoulder a bit, “why don’t you go lay down for a while? I’ll come in to check on you in a bit, okay?”

The angel nodded meekly and headed off to his room, eyes not leaving the ground as he passed the younger hunter. Dean starred after him until he heard the door to his bedroom close, then he returned his gaze to his brother.

“Dean, what the hell happened?”

Dean gave his brother a once over, feeling a boulder settle into his stomach, how in the hell am I supposed to tell you?

Sam took a step closer, noticing the look in his brothers’ eye, “are you okay? Did something happen?”

You’d never forgive him…

Find out what Cas did here!

Room 739 (Preview)


Written: 18.03.27

Finished: 18.05.17

Words: 862

They all fell quiet, listening to the intense banging coming from their hotel neighbours. Sam rolled his eyes and got up from the table. This wasn’t what he pictured when Gabriel had invited him on a romantic get away. For one, Dean and Cas came, which, wasn’t completely surprising, Sam just thought he’d get some… alone time with his boyfriend.

But, they had been stuck in the room practically all week – the weather turned as soon as they checked in – apparently a tornado warning had been issued when they were in the sky. The hotel was too paranoid to let the guests try to leave, spewing something about ‘it’s safer in your rooms’, Sam snorted at that, safer in a high-rise?

For such a fancy hotel, there wasn’t all that much to do. Not like any of them had really packed any board games, either – if he knew they would be stuck inside for seven days straight, he would’ve packed something other then a bathing suit.

And condoms. Don’t forget the condoms, Sammich.

He rolled his eyes at the interruption, yes, of course, and those. The giant starred out the sliding glass door, it doesn’t even look that cloudy…

This newest game wasn’t even that good. They discovered early on that they were sharing the wall with newly-weds. Which again, wouldn’t have been so bad, except that they have sex.

A lot.

They couldn’t go more then an hour without doing it. They didn’t even slow down when the tornado warning was issued – the warning actually seemed to make them go at it more frequently. I guess if they think they might die… Gabriel and Dean had concocted the game out of sheer boredom one night – we can hear through the wall anyway, Sammich – they all bet on how long the guy would last. Sam didn’t know what was wrong with him, aside from the obvious, but the banging on the wall – and thus, their sessions – had been getting increasingly shorter. Last session they had was somewhere under five minutes.

Keep reading here!

I post NEW short stories EVERY 2 weeks!

Son of a Bitch! (Preview)


Written: 18.03.28

Words: 194

“Son of a bitch!”

Sam shot straight up in his bed, grabbing for his gun before bolting into the living room, finding his brother standing there, face twisted with pain.

“Dean, what is it? What happened?” Gun at the ready, the giant swept the room with his eyes, finding… nothing. What?

He ran around the room, checking the doorways leading into the other parts of the bunker, coming up empty. He set his gun down and returned to his brother, who was still standing there, glaring at the table.

“Dude, what the hell?”

Continue reading here!

The Little Dreams 2 (Preview)


Written: 18.02.16-18

Words: 800

Sabriel (ish)

“Last time I saw you was in that-”

“Porno I left you?” Gabriel smirked before jumping up to sit on the table, unwrapping a Mars bar, “I remember. You did good, Sammich, shoving my bro back in his box. I was impressed.”

Sam eyed the entity, slowly closing the distance, angel blade behind his back, “We thought you were dead.”

“I went into hiding,” he slipped off the counter, eyeing the hunter, “if there’s one thing having Luci as a sibling had taught me, it’s to never get in his way when he’s throwing a tantrum. Better to tuck tail and run until he blows off his steam.”

“So you’ve been in hiding…” the pair were now only a few feet apart, “but you knew what had happened? Watched us get him back in the box? Watched the Leviathan? You sat back as Metatron-” the giant huffed with rage, running a hand through his hair in frustration, “Idly sat by while the angels fell? How many lives could you have saved if we knew you were alive?”

“Whoa, Sammich,” Gabriel placed his hands on his shoulders, “Relax. This wasn’t why I came back.”

“Then why’re you here? Why reveal yourself-”

He cut himself off as the angel touched his head.

Find out if Sammich finally gets his happy ending here!

Someday (Preview)


Written: 18.02.07

Words: 3,171

Sam x Jess, Dean x Jo, 2018’s Valentine’s fic

Both girls jumped as a phone started ringing. Jo dug it out of her pocket and checked the ID, “It says Unknown.”

Jess jumped on the couch beside her friend, “That’s probably Sam! Answer it!”

“What? No way, what if it’s someone else?”

Jess rolled her eyes and snatched the phone from her hands, dancing away as she grabbed for it, “Jo’s phone, who’s speaking?”

“Jess,” she hissed and stood, following her into the hall, “give me the phone!”

Her roommate held up a finger as she listened, “A party? Tonight?”

“Don’t you dare,” Jo narrowed her eyes.

“She’d love to come!”

Jo balled her hands into fists, she lunged forward, nearly falling over as Jess made a bee-line for the bedroom.

“Jess!” She tried the knob, huffing when it didn’t open.

“What? Oh, nothing, I just have the T.V. on.”

Jo smacked the door, uselessly, “C’mon!”

“We look forward to seeing you too. Alright, bye.”

The bedroom door opened to reveal Jess, grinning ear to ear.

“I’m gonna kill you.”

She tossed the phone back to her roommate, and made her way back to the living room, “You’re welcome.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Oh, relax,” she sat on the couch, “If anything, I did you a favour. Now you don’t have to go through all that awkward first date talk.”

“I don’t want to go to a party!” Jo flopped down on the couch, crossing her arms, dropping her voice, “Especially tonight.”

Jess’ expression softened, “Hey, I know it’s been hard on you since Rob left, but c’mon, tomorrows Valentine’s Day. You owe it to yourself to not wake up alone.”

“Exactly, Rob left,” she crossed her arms, “Why can’t you just leave me to watch rom-coms and eat Ben and Jerry’s out of the tub like a normal person?”

Jess rolled her eyes, “Will you quit being so dramatic? It’ll be fun. Besides,” she reached under the couch, holding up the silver knife, raising an eyebrow, “You’re anything but normal.”

Keep reading here!

Beep-Boop (Preview)


Originally From: 15.09.04

Written On: 18.01.24

Words: 1,536


Gabriel felt his fury bubble in his chest, “Did you really think I wasn’t going to come here?”

The blonde sighed, before plopping himself down on the couch, “You really don’t get it, do you?” he blew out a low whistle, “Damn, Gabriel, I knew you were stupid, but c’mon.”

What is he talking about? “What don’t I get, Winchester?”

He smirked, shaking his head, “You guys are really just babies with wings, aren’t ya?”

Gabriel took a deep breath, getting pissed isn’t going to get us anywhere, “What are you talking about? What am I missing?”

He chuckled, turning the T.V. on, “Did you even bother to ask Sam what was up?”

“Of course I did, what do you think-”

“I’m not big on that touchy-feely shit, but even I know when he needs a drink and a shoulder.”

A shoulder? Gabriel eyed the Winchester, “I better get back,” he flashed out without another word.

Dean looked to the no-longer-there-angel, “You’re welcome, Jack-Ass.”




He scanned the room, Sam? You here?

“Yeah, I’m up here.”

The angel ignored the hurt in his heart at the depressed tone, he started up the stairs, you feeling better?

Yeah, I guess…

Gabriel swallowed, i-it’s fine if you need more space, he paused outside the bedroom door, do you want me to leave?

“No, it’s fine,” the door opened, the giants’ eyes were red and puffy, you were crying?

“I’m fine,” he wrapped the angel up in a hug, “I-I’m sorry about before, I didn’t think-”

“Sam, it’s fine. You don’t have to explain. If you don’t want me to know, you don’t have to tell me.”

“No, it’s not that,” he walked them over to the bed, “I just…” he turned his gaze to the ground, “I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Tell me what, Hotpants?”

The giant threw his head back and laughed. Gabriel swore his heart fluttered at the sight, there’s the Sammy I know. The energy in the whole room seemed to shift after that, the giant looming cloud of sadness seemed to dissipate.

Sam took a deep breath after a moment and brought his eyes back to the angel, “Hotpants?”

Gabriel shrugged, “You don’t like?”

He shook his head, “No, no, I just… that was unexpected.”

“Hey, I know the brand of stupid you need to make you feel better.”

“Yeah,” the giant sighed, “thanks, Gabe.”

“Of course,” he stood, heading over to the bathroom, “Now, c’mon.”

Sam eyed the angel, not moving, why?

Gabriel winked, “Since when can a shower with me not fix something?”

The smile that didn’t reach his eyes hurt the angel more than it should’ve. I thought for sure he’d go for that… okay, Plan B.

Keep reading here!

Falling Like Rain (Preview)


Started: 16.06.23

Finished: 18.01.06

Words: 981




“Hey man, you called me.”

“No! That’s not what I meant,” Sam looked around his room frantically.

“Look, I’m gonna go ahead and say that you called the wrong number, since I don’t recognize your voice.”

“I figured that,” Sam rolled his eyes.

“Great! So then b-”

“Wait! I’m the guy -I mean, shit… we met at the coffee shop earlier today,” he could feel his cheeks turn red, “You gave me your number because I was starring at you.”

God I hope he doesn’t hear that as creepy as I did, the giant began chewing on his bottom lip in worry.

“…Oh, right…I remember you now.”

Sam let out a breath of relief and waited for him to continue. When he was met with silence he looked at his phone, just to make sure the stranger was still on the line. He starred at the wall and thought of something to say that wouldn’t make him sound more creepy or weird. It felt like a lifetime before he finally dared to speak again, “So… you’re not hanging up on me?”

“Nope, that would be way less entertaining,” he could hear the smile in the man’s voice.

“You think I’m entertaining?”

“Oh, please, I can practically see the wheels in your head turning.”

Liking the fic? Keep reading here!

I post NEW short stories EVERY 2 weeks!

Holiday Nightmares (Preview)


Started: 15.12.16

Finished: 17.12.10

Words: 1,581

Destiel, Sabriel

The blonde lost his grip on the doll and both it and the raven haired man went crashing against the shelf. Dean winced when snowglobes went crashing to the floor as it began to tip over.

“Oh, c’mon!” he watched as the falling shelf caused a domino-like chain reaction, sending each shelf after it crashing toward the ground.

Cas starred wide-eyed as the scene unfolded, mouth slightly agape. Dean pulled the angel by the sleeve toward the door, failing to suppress the blush that was creeping up his neck.


“Shut up and move,” he pulled on the sleeve harder, practically dragging the shorter man behind him.

A moment later they burst through the doors, the bite of cold air making the blonde’s eyes water. He wiped at them hastily as he scanned the parking lot for their car. He found it after what felt like forever and started toward it, knuckles growing white around the others’ wrist. He all but shoved Cas toward the passenger side before making his way around to the drivers’ side.

He climbed in with a huff before starting the engine, “Don’t tell Sammy.”



“Sammich, hurry up!”

“You could help y’know,” Sam flicked his eyes up from the present in front of him to the angel splayed out on the couch.

“Pfft, please,” the shorter man shot up and leaned over the arm, “we both know it would go ten times slower if I helped.”

“Not if you actually helped, instead of tying me up with the ribbons,” he taped the last corner before carefully placing it in the shopping bag that held the others.

“You can’t blame me for that,” Gabriel turned around so he was hanging upside down, “this is so boring.”

“You didn’t have to come, y’know,” the giant began packing the wrapping paper and tape away.

The brunette frowned and tilted his head to the side, “Would you rather be alone?”

Sam scoffed as he got to his feet, grabbing the shopping bag, legs tingling from being crossed so long, “Not like this is any better.”

Gabriels’ frown deepened and he lowered his eyes to the floor, “Am I really that bad?”

Sam half smiled before making his way to him, leaning down to press a kiss to his exposed neck, “Yes. But if you weren’t I wouldn’t have nearly as much fun.”

He smiled up at the giant and watched as he hid the shopping bag in the hall closet, “You think this is fun, you should wait until you see what I got you for Christmas.”

Liking the fic? Keep reading here!

I post NEW short stories EVERY 2 weeks!