Tag Archives: writing

Story Word Counts: Should You Pay Attention?


If you’ve been a writer for any length of time, or paid attention during English class, you’ve probably heard about how one way we categorize different kinds of writing is by word count. Like how you probably know short stories are, well, short, compared to a novel.

But if you’re a writer, you might be asking yourself: do I really need to pay attention to these distinctions?

The short answer, as with most things, is: it depends!

It mostly depends on why you’re writing, or what you’re attempting to write for. For example, if you’re writing a story in the hopes of submitting it to a magazine, you’ll want to make sure you stay inside the word count they give you as part of the instructions. Same as, if you’re contracted to write a book to send off to a publisher, most of them won’t publish works in certain genres if they’re not within the expected range. This is usually because they know avid readers of a certain genre are typically expecting a certain word count, and if your book is shorter, or longer than such, people might not read it. (Unless you’re an already established big name – for example, Stephen King can colour outside the lines)

On the other hand, if you’re writing just for you, adhering to a strict word count limit isn’t as necessary and, I’d even go so far to say, it can actually be detrimental!

If you’re trying to write a story while keeping a firm word count in the forefront of your mind, you might find you’re more frustrated, distracted, and it might just become all around harder for you to get the story out of your head.

I recommend just letting your story flow, and not worry about a word count until you’re done getting it out of you. Once you have it down on paper, then you can add the word count parameters as part of your editing. If you’ve come up too short, see if you can fit an extra scene in, or if you’re over, see if there’s parts you can take out without changing the flow or plot, or leave it on a cliffhanger/to-be-continued, if you’re planning to make it a series.

One of my all time favourite pieces of writing advice I’ve ever gotten is: a story takes as long as it takes.

It makes writing sound so simple, doesn’t it?

I keep this advice in mind all the time, which is why I don’t bother checking a word count of a story until I’m done writing it. Now, I know I’m lucky, since I mostly write for myself on Patreon, (and here) I don’t have to adhere to a strict word count limit. The only word count rules I have to keep in mind are ones that were self-imposed. (And those were only put in place because I upload so many)

That said, I still think it’s a better way to write, and would recommend anyone to try adopting this style!

Instead of getting bogged down with all the nit-picky editing elements – oh, your story is 10 words off from your word count, you used ‘too many’ adjectives, you misspelled a word – if you let your critical editing voice sleep – or beat it to death with a stick, because you’re a good writer, damn it! Stop being so hard on yourself! – you can focus all your energy on telling the story.

In my opinion, telling the story is the most important part of writing. Screw the rules! Take your time, focus, and tell your story. It’s more important to tell it ‘correctly’ than to try and squish it to fit into a predetermined sized box so it’s ‘right’.

Also, in my experience, if you take the time and tell the story you want, in the way you want, most readers won’t care if it’s a little over or under a specific word count. They’ll just be happy they have a new favourite piece to add to their collection.

Also also, once you get the story down how you want it, and know the word count, it can help narrow your focus of where to submit it. Instead of being at the mercy of the magazine, publisher’s, etc. rules, you can find the rules that fit your story, instead.

Like this article? Check out more writing tips here!

A Little More Time


Written: 24.09.02

Words: 295

NFF, Fluff

“Wow,” She let’s out a breathy sigh as she watches the sunset. In the next moment, she’s pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, eyes sparkling with awe as she looks out over the water, “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?”

“Not even close.” He can’t help but smile – his eyes have been on her since they sat down. Watching her every move, trying to memorize every curve of her body, and every tangle of still-dripping hair.

He had been with many people in the past, but none of them ever affected him like she did. He’d do anything for her, just for the promise of getting to see that gorgeous smile of hers. Blow off work because she’s sick? He’s dialing while rushing down to the kitchen to make her soup. Go for an impromptu beach trip to watch the sunset? He grabbed a blanket, the keys and her hand before she’d even finished asking.

It was just so… effortless to care about her.

“I love you.”

She blinked in surprise, peeling her eyes off the sun for the first time since they’d got there. Her mouth was open in a little, wordless, oh shape. The oranges and reds of the setting sun were reflecting off her skin, but he could still tell she was blushing.

He found himself suddenly wishing he was smart enough to remember his camera.

He felt his back hit the sand, arms instinctively wrapping around her back in the next moment. There was a sudden flurry of kisses up and down his face and excited squeals as she attacked him.

After not nearly long enough, she propped herself up on her arms, breathlessly smiling down at him, “I love you, too.”

Like this story? Read more FULL short stories over on my Patreon!

I post new ones every two weeks on Fridays and already have 100+ posted.

Clouds (PHSH Effect #29)


A lot of Photoshopping involves just editing multiple pictures together to create your desired final image. Because of this, there’s usually multiple ways to achieve specific effects. Editing multiple images together is usually faster and easier, assuming you can find appropriate stock photos to work from.

But, it’s not nearly as fun.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Clouds Tutorial DONE Pic - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

There’s a certain magic/slight ego trip you get from adding something to your project that you created from nothing. And you should! It’s super cool to know you have that power. It can also save you time from sifting through a bunch of stock photos, trying to find the right one.

So, how do you create clouds from scratch? Let’s find out!


Step 1

As always, you’ll want to start a new project, and it’s helpful if you start with a background image that clouds wouldn’t look out of place in.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 1 Doc Set Up - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

For this tutorial, I chose the following image:

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Background Image OG Sky Picture - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

But, you can start on a plain coloured background, if you don’t want to work on an image. Just make sure you change the background colour from White so that you can actually see the clouds.


Step 2

Once you have your background sorted, you’ll want to select the Brush tool.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 2 Select Brush Tool - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

After you’ve got the Brush Tool selected, go up to the menu at the top, so we can change some of the Brush attributes.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 2 Brush Top Menu - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

In the Brush Menu, we’re going to change the Hardness to 0% and the size to a roughly big one. The exact size will depend on the size of your document. For me, the Size was 55 pixels.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 2 Brush Size and Hardness Change - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to click on the button beside the Brush Preset Picker. In my version of Photoshop, the button is a folder background with what I’m assuming are paint brushes in a cup over top of it.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 2 Brush Panel Button - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

This button is called the Brush Panel button. And, you may have guessed, clicking it will open the Brush Panel.

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We could’ve also changed the Size and Hardness from this panel, but for most Photoshop things, using the Brush Preset Picker is faster.

From this panel, we’re also going to change the Brush’s Spacing to 35%.

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Step 3

Depending on the size of your document and the picture you chose, that might be all you need to change before you start adding clouds to your image!

To add the clouds, now that you’ve got your brush set up, all you need to do is paint them in using your mouse.

To help make them look like they belong, you’ll want to draw the shape of the clouds that go with your image. For the picture I chose, white, fluffy clouds would work, so that’s the type I’ll paint in.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 3 Begin Painting Clouds - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

I’ve also added a New Layer to paint the clouds on, instead of adding them directly onto my background image. This way, if I mess up or don’t like the shape of a cloud, I can easily erase it, without also erasing the sky.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 3 New Cloud Layer - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

I’ve also gone ahead and renamed the layer to Clouds. This is optional, but renaming layers to keep them straight is a good habit to form, especially when you work on more complicated effects that have a lot of layers.

Also, don’t forget to make sure this layer is on top of the background layer, otherwise you won’t be able to see the clouds you paint!

Keep adding clouds to your image until you’re happy with it, then save the PHSH file and PNG/JPEG file and boom! You’re done.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 3 Done Clouds Tutorial - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

This additional step is 100% optional, as it depends entirely on the type of cloud you’re attempting to create.


Step 4

For this step, you’ll want to go back to the Brush Panel, and check-mark and change the following options:

Shape Dynamics:

Size Jitter: 50%

Control: Off

Minimum Diameter: 30%


Angle Jitter: 0%

Control: Off


Roundness Jitter: 20%

Control: Off


Minimum Roundness: 1%

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Both Axes: Check Mark, 120%

Control: Off


Count: 10

Count Jitter: 100%

Control: Off

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 4 Scattering - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

After you turn on and change these values, you can go ahead and test out your new cloud brush, to see the difference it made.

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Once you finish adjusting the Scattering, you can go ahead and hide/close the Brush Panel again by clicking the double arrow button at the top of the panel.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Step 4 Hiding Brush Panel Button - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Then, you can go ahead and test out the new clouds brush, to see the difference it made. If you like the look of these clouds better, go ahead and erase the Step 3 clouds and repaint them with the Step 4 settings.

Or, if you didn’t notice a difference, or don’t like the way the new clouds look on your image, you can un-check the Shape Dynamics and Scattering settings to revert the brush back to the Step 3 settings and repaint the clouds. Or, if you painted the Step 4 clouds on a different layer, you can go ahead and just delete that layer, keeping your Step 3 clouds.

Or, if you want to get crazy with it, you can paint a mix of both setting’s clouds.

As I said above, it’ll all depend on the image you’re trying to create!

Of course, you can play around with the settings above to find what value changes work best for you.

After you get the hang of painting white, fluffy clouds, feel free to keep experimenting! Change the percentage values, the Size of the brush and even the Hardness! That’s how you’ll learn to create different kinds of clouds, like… long, white clouds.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Long White Clouds - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Or wispy, barely-there clouds.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Wispy Clouds - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Or cloud writing.

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Cloud Writing 1 - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Cloud Writing 2 - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Or even… different coloured magical clouds!

AterImber.com - Photoshop Tutorials - PHSH Effect 29 - Clouds Tutorial - Magical Pink Clouds - photoshop, photoshop tutorials, blogger, indie author, writing, writing tips, Canadian author, book covers, book cover help, photoshop tips, photography, photoshop artist, photoshop creative, graphic design, photo manips

Like this tutorial? Check out the rest of the series here!

Circles (Preview)


Written: 24.08.22

Words: 2,341

Hallucifer, C2C, Dark-ish

Sam forced himself to turn his gaze to the floor, off his brother’s face. He knew he wouldn’t understand, that he was sick of dealing with this – hell, Sam was sick of seeing him – but not talking about his hallucination wasn’t working anymore. He had to tell someone he trusted.

And there was no one he trusted more than his brother.

He couldn’t keep pretending everything was fine. He had been standing on the precipice of going off the deep end for months, and he just… couldn’t do it anymore. Not alone.

So yes, even though he knew it hurt, he had to say something.

But he wasn’t prepared for the look on his brother’s face.

It was a look he’d become all too familiar with. The same look he gave him when he left for Stanford, the same one he got when he chose Ruby… that heartbreaking mix of shock, sadness and utter disappointment.

The ‘I don’t even know who you are anymore’ look.

No matter how old he got, or how much shit they’d gone through, that look always managed to whither the giant. It was like he was suddenly five years old again, getting caught stealing the last cookie.


Sam closed his eyes, not daring to look up from the floor. The trailed off sigh hit him right in the heart, “D-don’t…” Sam took in a shuddering breath and held up one of his hands, “you don’t need to say anything. I just thought you should know.”

An incredulous chuckle escaped the blonde then, and he heard the rustling of his sweater fabric as he ran a hand through his hair, “Oh gee, you think? Jesus, Sam…”

Like the preview and want to find out how the fic ends? Head on over to my Patreon!

I post new short stories every 2 weeks on Fridays and have 100+ already waiting for you to discover them!

Better Tomorrows


Request #17 (From Holister262 [DA]): Can I have a SamxGabriel? Sad Gabe in need of a big, deep cry and hug, but he doesn’t know he needs it. But Sam does, so he finds him and forces a hug/cry session.

Requested: 15.03.08

Originally Started: 15.03.08

Rewrite Started: 24.02.09

Finished: 24.08.06

Words: 533

Sabriel (Implied), Dark-ish, Request #17

Gabriel watched as the coffee cup slipped out of his hands, almost as if in slow motion. The cup shattered once it touched the ground, shards of glass and boiling hot liquid exploding out across the floor. He could do nothing but watch – almost as if frozen to the spot – as the liquid quickly soaked into his socks.

He let out a defeated sigh before scanning the room for the broom. It was nowhere in sight.

Of course.

He felt tears prick at the edges of his eyes as he bent down to start picking up the broken pieces. He didn’t know what his problem was, but he’d been doing dumb stuff like this for the last couple weeks. Locking his keys in his car, burning dinner because he forgot it was in the oven, accidentally wearing his pants inside out, dropping spoons… if he didn’t know any better, he’d think he had been cursed.

Unfortunately, he did know better – he wasn’t cursed in the traditional sense – he’d been bitten by the love bug, and now seemed he was paying the price.

Being human was hard.

How Sam and Dean managed to not only not kill themselves daily, but also actually manage to fight evil and save people? Seemed like an impossible task for the newly initiated to the Human Club.

Most days Gabriel forgot to breathe.

There’s just too many things to remember about being human. Food, defecating, being too hot, being too cold, sleep… it never ends!

“Hey, Ga-”

The sound of Sam’s cut off greeting made the newly ex-angel look up, not bothering to hide the tears that were tracing their way down his face.

Sam blinked slowly for a moment and took a cautious step forward, concern etching itself across his face, “What happened?”

Gabriel let out a loud sniff and held up the bits of broken glass he had gathered, “I dropped another one!”

The giant nodded his head slowly before leaving the room. He reappeared in the doorway holding the broom and a couple towels. He wasted no time inching his way toward his lover, using the towels as stepping stones so he wouldn’t burn his feet. Gabriel watched in absentminded awe, I never would’ve thought of that.

Sam had reached him in the next minute and gently took the broken glass out of his hands, “Here.” He placed them down onto the counter before stretching over, ripping a few paper towels off and offering them to him. At the confused look he was given, Sam nodded to his hands, “You’re bleeding.”

Gabriel looked down, surprised to see red liquid running down his palms, “Oh.” He pressed the paper towels into the wounds, hissing at the contact, “Ow!” Gabriel felt fresh tears prick his eyes and he shook his head, “Why does everything about being human hurt?”

Sam frowned at that before closing the distance, wrapping his lover up in a giant bear hug. He squished his face into his hair, feeling Gabriel’s body collapse into him and tears start to soak into his shirt. Sam pressed a kiss to the top of his head and squeezed him harder, “It just takes time.”

Like this fic? Check out more on my Patreon!

I post new short stories every 2 weeks on Fridays and have 100+ just waiting for you to fall in love with them!

Have a request in mind? E-mail me: fanficrequest@aterimber.com Make sure to include the word ‘Request’ in the subject line. Then, be as detailed or vague as you’d like! (SPN fanfics only)

Hold Me Again


Written: 24.07.09

Words: 528

My 1st White Collar fanfic!


Peter hesitated as the door creaked open with the force of his knock. He frowned and brought his watch up to his face, he should be home by now.

He waited only another moment before gently pushing the door open wider and peering inside. Neal was one to keep things to himself, of course, but not even he would have enough energy to undertake extra curriculars after that 14-hour stakeout.

Peter walked a few steps into his CI’s loft, brows staying pulled down in puzzlement as he spotted the man sitting at the dining room table, arms stained with charcoal up to the elbows, gently cradling a giant sketchbook.

“Didn’t you hear me knock?” Peter closed the distance quickly, craning his neck around the back of the chair to catch a glimpse of the sketchbook. Peter couldn’t help himself from shaking his head as he spotted the work, it was a portrait of Caffrey’s face, done up in swirls of different blues and purples.

Flawless as far as Peter could tell.

“I thought you didn’t have any original works?” Peter raised an eyebrow as he came around the side of the table, tossing his jacket onto the back of the closest empty chair.

Only then did Neal jump, and attempt to close the sketchbook. His semi-wild eyes found Peter, and once his brain registered what was happening, his shoulders slumped in relief and his hands relaxed. He swallowed hard, eyes moving back to the masterpiece in his hands, “I-It isn’t mine.”

Peter eased himself down onto the corner of the table, being sure to keep his tone careful, “Okay… who’s is it?”


The word hung in the air between them for a long minute.

Peter did his best to keep the surprise he felt off his face. It’d been… what? Two or three years since the plane explosion. He glanced down to his CI – who wasn’t doing as good of a job at blinking back his tears as he thought – and cleared his throat, “How?”

Neal let out an exasperated sigh and gave a half-shrug, slightly lifting the book off the table, thumb tapping the signature and date in the bottom corner, “I was just digging through some of my old sketchbooks, trying to find one I could use and…” He slightly shook his head, fingers subconsciously tightening around the edges of the work, “It’s dated two weeks after I went to prison.”

Peter nodded thoughtfully – despite being out of Caffrey’s eyeline. “Your visitation rights were still getting ironed out, then.” He leaned in, taking a closer look at the art, “She’d called the prison every day at 9am like clockwork. Must’ve finally assumed she wouldn’t get to see you in person.”

Neal’s thumb gently swiped over her signature, eyes roaming over the image, “The yellowing of the page indicates it was left open in the sun.”

“I bet she had it open facing the bed, so you’d be the first thing she saw every morning.” At the look, Peter shrugged, “It’s what I do when El goes out of town.”

Neal turned semi-hopeful eyes back to the masterpiece, “Kate loved the classics.”

Like this fic? Check out my Patreon for more! I mainly post Supernatural fanfics (100+), but have recently begun dabbling in other fandoms via crossovers! (Like Marvel and Ghost Whisperer) Supporting my Patreon also helps keeps the lights on around here, for as little as $1!

Feather and Bone (Preview)


Written: 24.07.01

Words: 1,130

Hallucifer, C2C


Dean’s yell instinctively made the giant duck, which was the right call as a shotgun blast exploded over the space his head just was.

His wild eyes were scanning the room for his brother before the shrapnel finished falling. He spotted the blonde running toward him from the hallway, brows furrowed with concentration and anger as he hastily refilled his gun.

“Aw, see? Told you he’d come.”

Lucifer’s voice brought the giant’s attention to the back wall once again, brain scrambling to make sense of the monster brains that were splattered across the floor.

Sam straightened up cautiously, “I-it was real?”

Lucifer cocked his head to one side and raised an eyebrow, “You thought I’d sick an imaginary monster on you?”


His brother’s hand clasping his shoulder made him jump, but he didn’t dare let his eyes off the devil.

If it was real, that means that he… Sam swallowed thickly and started shaking his head, “Y-you can’t be-”

“Are you deaf?” The rough tug on his chin finally got his eyes on his older brother, “We need to go, now!”

Sam opened his mouth to rebuttal, or ask a question – something – but no sound came out. Watching his brother start back toward the door was all the incentive the giant needed to follow suit.

It took all the strength he had not to look back over his shoulder.

Liking the story? Read the FULL story on my Patreon!

I post new stories every 2 weeks on Fridays and have 100+ just waiting for you to fall in love with them!

No One Understands (Preview)


Written: 22.03.03

Words: 1,057

Crobby (Implied), Destiel (Implied), Gen.

“What took you so long?”

Sam rolled his eyes as he handed the steaks off to his brother, “I’m only 5 minutes late, Dean.”

“Yeah, well, it might as well be an hour,” The blonde shook his head, fiddling with the barbeque dial, “You know how old this thing is. It doesn’t hold heat correctly.”

The giant shook his head, grabbing a beer from the cooler, “Why didn’t one of us get him a new one for his wedding, again?”

“Because Bobby wouldn’t use it.” He kicked the side of the grill, holding one hand above the grill to check the temperature, “Not until this one finally dies.”

The youngest leaned in, peering over his brother’s shoulder at the dark grill, “…You sure it’s not already dead?”

“Don’t think so.” The blonde turned the dial again, practically willing the grill to heat up, “Maybe we could just order steaks.”

Sam scoffed, “How are we supposed to do that without Bobby noticing?”

Dean’s eyes flicked up to where his kids and father figure were playing – chasing each other around one of the junk cars a few feet away. He slapped one of the steaks onto the grill, shoulders deflating in disappointment as it made no noise.

He brought his eyes back to his brother, lowering his voice, “Make the call on the front porch. Don’t let anyone see you.”

Liking the fic? Check out the rest of the story here!

I post new stories every 2 weeks!

When She Smiles (Preview)


Written: 24.05.30

Words: 1,019

General, Destiel (Implied)

“So, what’d you think of the beach?”

Taylor’s whole face lit up with that, eyes crinkling as a giant smile overtook her, “It was so fun!” She pulled a face and quickly reset against the back of the chair as the movement highlighted her pain, “… until I fell asleep.” She frowned down at her red arms and legs, brows pulling together, “Will I look like this forever?”

“What? No!” Dean couldn’t help but chuckle as he started applying lotion to one of her arms, “You’ll only stay red for a few weeks, then you’ll be back to your normal pale self.”

Weeks?” She sat up straight, jaw dropping at the information, “B-but… what about school?”

Dean pretended to think as he gave her a once over, “I don’t know, it’s a pretty bad burn…”

“I’ll have to go back looking like this?” At his reluctant nod, she collapsed back against the chair, “Aw, man!”

“It could be worse.”


“Well…” Dean switched arms, “if you get a super bad burn, your skin won’t just get all red, it’ll start to peel, too.”

“Peel?” Taylor’s eyes widened in fascination, “Like a snake?”


“Wow…” She thoughtfully looked down to her arms, tilting her head slightly, “I don’t think I’d look good as a zombie.”

Like the story? Read the FULL fic on my Patreon!

I post new stories every 2 weeks and have 100+ just waiting for you to discover!

How to Push Through a Writer’s Block


Let’s face it, some days, you just don’t feel like writing. Maybe you had a weird dream, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, have a lot going on in your personal life, or, maybe your inspiration is just being a bitch and hiding from you.

Whatever the reason, every writer has been there. It’s a totally normal – albeit annoying – part of the process.

Unfortunately, writer’s block can also seem to happen at the worst of times, so you may find yourself at times needing to write even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing. Yes, even when you’re self-employed, this can happen!

And also unfortunately, as I’ve talked about in past articles, if you are self-employed, if you aren’t doing something, it’s not getting done. And I’m sure I’m not the only writer to pull a, ‘Oh, I’ll write it tomorrow’, and then have ‘tomorrow’ turn into another day, or week…. or month.

So, what can you do if you have a looming deadline, the guilt of pushing an article/story has been eating at you long enough and you just need to get your writing done today?


Step 1. Open Your Laptop As Soon as You Wake Up

Make going on your laptop and opening the document the first thing you do when you wake up. Yes, before breakfast, coffee, morning yoga, or whatever else you usually do. The only thing you should allow yourself to do between your feet hitting the ground and opening your laptop to work is go to the bathroom. (Because let’s face it, no amount of willpower will let you power through really needing to pee)

This way, there’s nothing to distract you from writing. You haven’t started any other tasks that you ‘have to’ finish first, the only thing you need to focus on is already in front of you.

If you need to, you can even unplug/turn off your internet so you aren’t tempted to check your e-mail, play games or whatever other sneaky laptop distractions you use to continue putting it off.

Just because you’re on your laptop, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re working, does it? That’s right, I see you fellow procrastinators!


Step 2. Just Start Writing

Just start typing. This is probably the hardest part to do. In the middle of a writer’s block, depending on the reason, you may feel slightly frozen with your fingers hovering over the keys, all semblance of a point leaving your body.

Stop overthinking it and just start writing. Chances are, you’ve been at least partially mentally writing your article for the entire time you’ve been putting it off. That means the words are in there!

Start typing and you might be surprised at how fast the ideas start to flow out of you.

Before you know it, you’ll reach the end of the article, and then you’ll feel silly for sitting around and waiting for your inspiration to come back.

It’s a harsh truth, but you can’t always wait for inspiration. (Especially if you’re writing non-fiction) If you’ve turned your writing into your job, that’s awesome! But also means you no longer have the luxury of only writing when the mood strikes.

You’ve got a job to do.

You may have noticed if you’ve read some of the other Working From Home articles, but a common theme is to just make yourself do it. You’ve gotta find the willpower/drive/whatever-you-want-to-call-it inside you. As much as reading articles may help you spark new ideas, or try new techniques, ultimately, it all actually comes down to you.

No amount of advice from a stranger on the internet is going to magically write your article/story.

You need to find a way to make it happen.

Oh, and if you got a sense of deja vu reading this article (like I did when writing it), it’s because you’re remembering my Breaking a Writer’s Block article. Which is admittedly similar to this one, but different enough it definitely wasn’t a waste of time to write a second one.

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