Yves Veggie Turkey Slices Review


If you’ve been around for a little bit, you may remember the Yves Bologna review I did back in 2019. And if you remember that, you might also remember me saying their other two deli slice options were not my favourites, to put it mildly.

Well, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that never happened. But I will tell you, that over time, the other two faux deli slices Yves offers had grown on me and, now, I regularly eat all three!

These deli slices were originally the ones I thought I liked the least. It turns out, however, that that super smokey flavour I attributed to these guys was actually from the Yves Ham slices. I found that out a few months after the review came out, and I actually briefly thought about adding an edit to it. But I knew I hadn’t yet done the other two slice options, so I figured I’d just set the record straight in those, instead.

Which brings us to today.

These faux turkey slices are definitely a mild flavour when cold – they’re almost magical in their ability to blend into the background of whatever cold sandwich you put them in. In some sandwiches, I swear all they add is the texture. This actually makes them the most versatile of the three deli slices Yves has to offer. Sandwiches, wraps, charcuterie boards, these babies go great in a variety of foods!

When heated, they take on a slightly more pronounced flavour, but it’s still mild enough to not steal the show from the dishes star ingredient.

Obviously, I can’t speak to their accuracy of turkey taste – I’ve been vegan way too long to remember now (8 years at the time of writing 24.08.06), however out of what I remember, they definitely can’t be anything other than faux poultry. You could maybe say they’re faux chicken, but I don’t really think that matters, unless you’re going for nostalgia or Thanksgiving accuracy.

They definitely don’t taste like the ocean, so that rules out fish, and they don’t have that earthy/clove-y ‘deep’ flavour that beef has, but they also aren’t overtly sage and thyme-y like some other more potent faux poultry I’ve had.

Whatever you want to compare them to, they are definitely tasty, and I’d definitely recommend trying them for yourself!

Also, one thing these slices do better than the Bologna is how many slices come in a pack. The Bologna only comes with 10 slices, whereas these come with easily double that, if not more. (I’ve never actually counted them)

The only difference is that the Bologna slices are much thicker. I’d say maybe double the thickness of the Turkey (and Ham). I’m not sure why they didn’t just make them all the same thickness, but all the slices are also the same price, so if you’re looking to get the most product for an equal amount of money, I’d definitely recommend the Turkey.

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