Tag Archives: writing

Fired Angel


Written: 14.07.11

Gen. Upset!Cas, Comforting!Dean

Castiel walked down the street with his heart in his stomach, he couldn’t possibly have been more humiliated if he’d shown up to work without his pants. Dean had told him this human thing was hard, but he didn’t expect it to be this hard. How was he supposed to go home and tell Dean that he’d gotten fired from the gas station? It was ‘the easiest possible job to get’ (in Dean’s words) and yet he’d still managed to screw it up.

How was he supposed to tell Dean? He’d surely kick him back out of the bunker…

Maybe I don’t have to tell him. Cas thought as he walked, kicking a stone as he went.

Of course you have to tell him! Don’t be stupid! He yelled at himself, not realizing his pace had increased.

He’s going to be so disappointed in me.

Cas swallowed thickly as he thought about the look Dean would give him. His head slightly tilted away, his eyes cast down, taking a deep breath and letting it out through his nose.

There was no way Cas could handle that look. He looked after the rock he’d kicked into the street, a frown on his face – he couldn’t even kick a rock right anymore. He kept walking, trying to pump himself up to tell Dean, telling himself that he could do it, he’d done worse, and other things along those lines.

By the time he’d reached the front door, he had done a pretty good job, and was actually feeling pretty good.

Now the only problem was turning his thoughts into reality. He opened the door with shaking hands and slipped in as quietly as he could, not wanting to get ambushed as soon as he got in the door.

Maybe I can make it to my room and buy myself some more time. Cas thought, silently walking down the hall, feeling as though his heart was trying to escape his chest.

He cursed human emotions as he walked, keeping his ears open so he’d be able to hear if Dean was around.

“Hey Cas.”

Cas jumped a foot in the air and turned around to see the taller Winchester standing behind him, looking confused, no doubt at the scare.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Sam stated, looking at him like he was analyzing him for a suitable cause as to why he’d be jumpy.

Cas hated it when he looked at him like that, made him feel like he really couldn’t hide anything from these two men. It made him feel all the more useless.

“It’s alright, Sam, you didn’t scare me.” Cas lied, giving him a tight smile and hoping that the other Winchester wasn’t close.

The most unusual thing Cas had learned from living with the Winchesters was that when one of them was near, the other wasn’t too far behind. It was almost as if spending their whole lives in tiny spaces had accustomed them to follow each other around like dogs. Most days, this amused the ex-angel, how he could call for one and not five minutes later both would be before him. Today, however, it just made him all the more anxious.

“Cas? You alright?” Sam asked, still searching him for some sort of answer with his eyes.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just tired, so if you’ll excuse me…” Cas said before turning around and hurrying down the hall, slamming his door shut behind him.

He let out a huge breath and allowed himself to lean against the door until his heart decided it in fact, did like the home it had and calmed down. He quickly changed out of his work clothes, throwing them in a pile on his floor, opting instead to wear his usual clothes. As he slid his arms into the trench-coat he felt himself relax a little more, now that he was in comfortable clothes, he felt slightly more ready to face the eldest Winchester.

He walked out of his room and right into the one his was still trying to avoid.

Damn it. Cas thought, taking a step back, even though he really didn’t want to.

Two things he was trying to hide from the eldest.

He was so screwed.

“Hey Cas.” Dean greeted him with a confused look.

“Hello Dean.” Cas replied, feeling something start sliding down his back.

“You seemed to be in a hurry.” Dean said, in true Dean fashion, wanting Cas to tell him without being questioned, even though this was pretty much the equivalent of him asking.

“Yes well, I’m just…” Cas trailed off, trying to think of a normal human reason to be rushing off someone except for wanting to avoid someone.

Just then, a weird noise cut into their conversation, making Dean chuckle and Cas to just get more confused.

“Say no more, I completely understand.” Dean stated, slinging an arm over Cas’ shoulders, leading him down the hall.

“Where are we going Dean?” Cas couldn’t help asking.

This just earned him another chuckle from the man as they walked. Cas frowned slightly; he was never going to be able to figure this human thing out if they didn’t tell him what he was feeling. Dean had led them into the kitchen, before pointing to a stool that was pulled out from the island they used as a table, silently telling the other man to sit.

Cas obliged and watched as Dean started swirling around the kitchen, from the fridge, to the stove and into cupboards and everything between. Cas was going to ask Dean what he was doing, and why it seemed he had to make so much noise doing it, when the youngest Winchester walked into the kitchen. Dean turned his head from the stove to see who it was, smiled, before turning back to whatever he was doing. Sam took the stool beside Cas and nodded to his brother.

Cas watched Sam watch Dean and noticed that the former was watching the latter with a look of awe and wonder, as if this was some foreign thing that he was captivated by. Although, with mostly running to diners and living in crap motel rooms, Cas could understand why it was treat to see Dean busying himself around a kitchen, with a strange look of fondness on his face, instead of his usual look of concentration.

“It reminds him of watching his mom.” Sam supplied, as if he could hear what Cas was thinking.

Cas nodded in acknowledgement and continued watching the eldest in fascination, not missing how Sam had said ‘his mom’ instead of ‘Mom’. That was something else Cas had begun picking up on, not only was it an unwritten rule to not mention Mary Winchester, but on the blue moon when she would be mentioned, Sam always referred to her as ‘his mom’ or John’s wife, he’d never once said ‘Mom’ in a way that included himself as her child. Before Cas fell, he had noticed this but never gave it much thought, as when he was an angel; there was always something more important going on.

“What?” Dean asked, turning slightly to look at the pair.

“Just said I hope whatever you’re making’s good.” Sam lied, making it look so easy.

Why couldn’t Cas do it as simple as him?

“Of course it’s gonna be good.” Dean scoffed, acting offended.

“Pretty cocky for someone who’d never cooked a day in his life.” Sam countered back, smiling.

“Hey! I’ve cooked!” Dean exclaimed.

“Yeah? When?” Sam asked, folding his arms over his chest and looking at his brother with his ‘I win’ look.

“Plenty of times! I was a pretty kick-ass cook back when-”

Dean’s face fell at the memory, swallowing thickly before turning back around to the stove. Cas tilted his head in confusion and looked to the other man, hoping for an explanation. Sam had uncrossed his arms and was looking at a spot on the floor, his jaw clenched like he was a kid who was getting in trouble.

“I don’t-”

“You finish the research?” Dean asked icily, cutting Cas off.

Sam closed his eyes but otherwise didn’t answer the question. He let a breath out through his nose before hopping off the stool and walking out of the room, looking two inches tall instead of his impressive 6’4”. Cas looked back to the eldest, who was still facing the stove, but had stopped cooking.

Cas could see how tense he was by his shoulders, his head hung down, no doubt his eyes closed while he cursed himself for something he thought he’d done wrong. If Cas was still an angel he’d be able to read his mind and find out, in the hopes of helping him, but now he could only ask and hope he didn’t lie or shut down, the way Cas had seen him do to other humans.

“Dean?” Cas asked, hating the tense silence, mostly because he didn’t understand why it was tense and wanting to help.

“Yeah Cas?” Dean asked back, sounding deflated as well.

Cas began to bite at his bottom lip, he wasn’t sure what to do, how to approach the subject, because he didn’t even know what the subject was, other than the fact that it was something both brother’s didn’t want to talk about.

That gave Cas that it was part of their past, but knowing that it was the Winchesters, it could be anything in their past.

He really, really hated not being an angel.

“Cas?” Dean asked, suddenly so close to the man that he could count his freckles.

“Sorry.” Cas apologize, going to take a step back, momentarily thinking he’d popped in too close to the eldest, as he often did, before falling off the stool.

Cas looked around with his head tilted, trying to find a reason as to why he was on the floor.

“You okay, man?” Dean asked, holding his hand out to help him stand up.

“Yes, I just forgot where I was for a moment.” Cas explained, taking the hand with his own.

A moment went by with the two of them just holding each other’s hands, Cas’ head tilted to the side in confusion, Dean with his eyebrows raised, expecting the new human to pull himself up.

“Cas?” Dean asked expectantly.

“Yes, Dean?” Cas replied, locking eyes with the man.

“You, uh, plan on keeping my hand? Or can I have it back?” Dean asked, his smirk making it’s way onto his face.

Cas looked back up to the hunter, confusion still evident in his eyes.

“Let go.” Dean stated, looking down to their hands.

The ex-angel followed his gaze and his eyebrows rose in surprise, as if he thought he had let go. He quickly let go and looked to the side, trying to hide his face from the hunter.

“Sorry.” Cas mumbled, feeling heat in his cheeks.

“It’s fine, I know it’s your first time.” Dean replied with a chuckle before going back to the stove.

“Hope your hungry Cas, ‘cause this is pretty awesome.” Dean stated, turning the burner off and taking out two plates.

“I’m sure it’s good Dean.” Cas replied, biting his lip.

He couldn’t just keep this to himself, Dean would be pissed if he found out he’d been keeping something as big as this from him.

The mentioned sat down, a giant grin on his face, before sliding Cas’ plate in front of him, complete with eating utensils (Cas smiled fondly as he remembered the first time he’d tried to eat with the hunters and they had all gotten their own food – the ex-angel hadn’t noticed either man grab a fork from the drawer and started eating with his hands until he realized both men were starring at him). Cas sent an appreciative smile toward the man and tried to think of the best way to bring up him losing his job.

“Dig in before it gets cold.” Dean stated, startling the ex-angel out of his thoughts.

Cas looked down at his plate of food, and picked his fork up carefully.

“What is it?” He asked, eyes flicking up to the hunter.

Dean looked up from his own food before laughing and shaking his head, going back to his food. Cas tilted his head in confusion – that surely wasn’t the response he thought he’d get from the hunter.

“So Cas, anything interesting happen today?” Dean asked, shoving a forkful of food into his mouth.

Cas felt something roll down his back again and almost dropped the fork as his hands got unexplainably wet. He gripped it harder and tried to think of something he could tell the hunter without making him suspicious.

“N-nothing interesting.” Cas stammered.

“Yeah like I’m gonna believe that.” Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“What happened? You get fired or something?” Dean joked, bumping his arm slightly.

Cas’ head shot up and he starred wide-eyed at the hunter, unable to think of a way to lie his way out of that. Dean looked at him and the smile slowly slid off his face as he noticed the man’s expression.

“Cas?” Dean asked in his ‘you better not lie to me unless you want me to beat the truth out of you’ voice.

“Yes?” Cas asked carefully, looking down at his food, avoiding the hunter’s eyes.

Did you get fired today?” Dean questioned, sliding his stool closer.

“Why would you ask that?” Cas was stalling, and he knew that Dean knew it too.

If he could, he would’ve popped out of the room, via angel-air but unfortunately that was no longer an option.

“Because no one reacts like that to something unless they’re hiding something from someone.” Dean explained.

“You said that working at a gas station was the easiest job ever, how would you think I could get fired from the easiest job ever?” Cas asked, still avoiding his eyes.

“Cas.” Dean warned.

The ex-angel looked up and finally met the hunter’s eyes, slightly surprised at the pissed tone he’d heard. Sure he’d heard it before but it’d never been directed at him. Dean’s face softened a bit and he gave a small, sad smile before reaching forward and swiping something off Cas’ cheek.

I’m crying? Cas thought, feeling his cheeks flare up again for showing how stupidly weak he was.

He’s definitely going to kick me out now. Cas thought bitterly, looking down to the floor, not wanting to see the change from disappointment to disgust on his face.

“Cas.” Dean breathed before standing up.

Here it comes. Cas thought, body tensing at the yelling he was waiting for.

Before he could process what was happening, he felt himself be pressed up against something warm and firm. It took a moment before he realized that the thing he was pressed against was Dean’s chest.

He’s going for pity? He should just get it over with. Cas thought, staying just as still as he always had been.

“It’s okay Cas.” Dean mumbled into the shorter man’s hair.

For some reason the ex-angel felt himself relax into the soothing circles being rubbed into his back. Part of him was wondering what the hunter was doing, part of him didn’t care and another part of him was wondering why his shirt was wet.

It took a moment for him to realize that he was crying into Dean’s shoulder, soaking his shirt with tears he didn’t know he was shedding.

“Sh, Cas, it’s okay. It’s okay.” The hunter cooed, voice softer than he’d ever heard it.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.” Cas kept repeating, over and over, wishing he could just disappear.

He didn’t want to be here with the hunters anymore. They would definitely think he was weak now that he’d cried over losing a job. He was such an outcast he wondered why they bothered keeping him around at all. Now that he wasn’t angel he couldn’t fly them anywhere, or smoke enemies – he was just a baby in a trench coat.

After who-knows-how-long, Cas finally stopped crying into his shoulder, but they stayed in the position, even though the ex-angel was fairly certain that the position Dean was standing in couldn’t be comfortable, if anything it must’ve been hurting his back to hold the position for so long. Dean finally took Cas by the shoulders, holding him out at arms length, eyeing him with a concern he’d only ever seen be used to examine his brother.

“Dean?” Cas questioned, beginning to feel unnerved at how concerned the hunter looked.

“We’ll find you another job Cas, don’t worry about it.” Dean stated.

“Thank-you Dean, but I’m sure I’ll be able-”

“We’ll find you a job and get you back on your feet. As long as it takes.” Dean interrupted, still looking eerily concerned.

“Yeah, okay Dean.” Cas agreed, nodding his head slowly, wondering if something was wrong with the Winchester.

“I don’t ever want to hear that again you understand?” Dean demanded, suddenly sounding like his father.

“Hear what again?” Cas questioned, getting more confused the longer he talked.

“That you think we’d kick you out because you lost your job! You are not useless Cas! You kick serious ass!” Dean exclaimed, a proud smile splitting his face.

When did I…? Cas thought, looking curiously at the Winchester in front of him.

“Let’s just say you aren’t the only one who can read minds.” Dean winked, his smirk replacing the smile.

“Now” Dean clapped his hands and stepped back away from the ex-angel,

“Whaddya say I whip us up some burgers and we go watch Road Runner?” Dean asked, eyebrows raising suggestively at the man standing before him.

“But what about the…other food you made?” Cas asked, still not sure what he’d made.

Dean looked at the plates with a smile before grabbing them both and walking out of the kitchen, returning a few minutes later empty handed and grinning like an idiot.


“Dean, what did you do with the food?” Cas asked, nodding to answer his own question.

“Let’s just say Sammy got a little surprise.”

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Love Thy Freak


Written: 14.07.03

Gen. Destiel/Sabriel fic.

“Damn it!” Dean swore, slicing through yet another vampire.

When Sam had told him that the nest was big, he didn’t think he’d meant it was big. What Dean had assumed was maybe ten, fifteen at the most vampires turned out to be closer to a number in the high forties. If he’d known Sam meant it was that big of nest, he never would’ve told him he could take it on alone.

The one thing that bugged Dean the most about this was if Sam knew the nest was this big, why did he let him go alone in the first place? Dean’d tell you why, it was because he told him he could take the night off to be with his damn angel. Easy as pie, Dean’d said, swearing up and down that he’d be back in before sunrise, so that he could hopefully have some down time with his angel.

Granted, Gabriel was sick so it wasn’t like Sam was having a good time either, but he still shouldn’t have let his brother go after them alone. What the hell was he thinking?

How does an angel even get sick? Dean thought, continuing to walk down the hall.

He should’ve known it wouldn’t be easy. Nothing was ever that simple for them.

Damn it! Not the time! Dean decided, running in the other direction as he saw yet another two vamps come around the corner.

“Would be really nice to have some back-up!” Dean mumbled, eyes flicking up to the ceiling above him briefly.

He threw himself into a corner, pressed up against the wall and closed his eyes, holding his breath and wishing with all he had the vampires ran past him.

“You thought you could hide, Winchester?”

Of course, sometimes he wondered why God had the angels save him from Hell if he was going to practically die during the rest of his life. Was that really better than being filleted by Alastair downstairs? Why couldn’t they just throw him back down there now that the apocalypse wasn’t a go?

“Hide? Of course not.” Dean replied with his signature smirk as he took a couple steps away from the wall.

“I was just testing your walls, making sure they’re nice and solid.”

The vamps exchanged a look between them, that suggested they knew that Dean was talking out of his ass, before looking back to the Winchester and smiling, separating as the began to close in on him.

“Oh? And why would you care if they’re solid?” The one on his left asked, licking his lips as he did so.

“So that when I did this”, Dean heard before he saw the two vamps get thrown by an invisible force into the walls on either side, knocking them out cold, “he knew it’d hurt more.”

Dean blinked and looked at the knocked out vamps for a moment before looking to the figure standing directly in front of him, the spotty lighting making it almost impossible to see it’s face. Dean’s hand subconsciously tightened around the base of his machete, getting ready to kill whatever the hell it was.

“You won’t be needing that Dean, I assure you that I am of no threat.” The thing said.

It might’ve just been the ringing in his ears because he had already taken just about as many punches to the head as he could, but he could have sworn that that voice sounded at least somewhat familiar.

“Do I know you?” Dean asked cautiously, angling his body so his dominant hand was farther away, readying for a wind-up.

The thing (which Dean continues to call a ‘thing’ because he isn’t totally certain that it’s a human yet) tilted it’s head to the side and took a step closer. Dean tensed more (was that even possible?) and went to take a step back, cursing himself when his back hit the wall.

“You do not need to be afraid of me Dean. I came to help.”

“If you came to help you’d tell me who you were.” Dean scoffed back in response, looking around, trying to find a way to get passed the thing before him.

“You don’t know who I am?” The creature asked, and was that, hurt in its voice?

“Should I?” Dean asked, and some back part of his mind was screaming at him that yes, he did in fact know that voice.

If he was so certain he knew who it was, why couldn’t he place its voice? He knew he knew it too, maybe it was because he still had about twenty vamps on his ass?

Yeah, he’d go with that.

“Well, it’d be nice to play catch up with ya, but in case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of surrounded by vamps, so unless you got some sort of nuclear explosive in there, I’d like to get moving.” Dean said, getting the sneaking suspicion that they were about to get ambushed.

Why did his brain always have to go to the worst case scenario?

Because if I don’t then something worse happens. Dean thought bitterly, walking forward a bit to check the doorway that was on his right.

“I came because you called.”

Dean stopped cold in his tracks and turned back to look at the thing standing before him.

How could I not…Dean thought, taking a few steps closer to the being in front of him, feeling his face flush at not recognizing the voice.

As he walked closer, the shadows shifted and allowed the hunter to finally look into the being’s eyes – their crystal blue eyes.

“Damn, Cas.” Dean groaned, running a hand down his face.

“It is alright Dean. Your mind was pre-occupied with not being a human feedbag. I understand your inability to recognize me in such dire conditions.” Cas explained, a ghost of a smile on his face.

How stupid am I? Should ‘a known it was him…Dean thought, mentally kicking himself.

“Dean, it’s alright.” Cas repeated, this time placing his hands on the hunters’ shoulders to emphasize his point.

“I can’t believe I thought you were a vamp.” Dean replied, shaking his head.

“We are still in the middle of a nest Dean, I suggest we clear it out before you lose your head.” Cas suggested, letting go of his shoulders to check up and down the hall.

“Yeah, right. Okay, let’s split up. I’ve checked most of this floor, so I’m guessing the rest of them are waiting up on the second.” Dean explained, instantly going back to hunter mode.

Cas nodded before disappearing back down the hall, leaving Dean to tackle the upstairs. Dean made his way quickly and quietly toward the stairs without an interruption, so he assumed his instincts were right and that the rest of the vamps were waiting for him on the second floor. He made his way up the stairs carefully, cursing himself as he took a step and it creaked loudly.

He waited there for a moment, expecting to see some vamps come by to check it out. When none came, he decided to keep going, figuring they didn’t want to get slaughtered too quickly. He made it to the second floor and saw an oddly empty hall stretched out before him, closed doors lining both sides.

Oh, great. Dean thought, looking across at the ten-something closed doors before him, trying to figure out what would be the best course of action.

He took a breath and walked silently over to the door closest to him on his left, standing against the wall, reaching his arm out slowly, before opening the door and bursting into the room.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” The vamp said as he was doing a sweep of the room with his eyes.

“You could’ve found me.” Dean replied, eyeing the creature carefully.

Unfortunately for him, there was a giant desk standing between him and the vamp, who looked oddly calm considering their current situation.

“Oh, what fun would that have been?” They replied, standing from their chair to walk around the desk.

“Will you calm down? I’m just here to talk.”

“If you wanted me here to talk then why’d you send half your nest downstairs to kill me?” Dean questioned, fingers clenching tighter around his machete.

“We didn’t see eye to eye on the matter. They were too excited about getting a Winchester into our grasp, weren’t seeing the bigger picture.” The vamp explained, pretending to examine the painting that was hanging from the wall in front of it.

“Bigger picture?” Dean asked, inching slowly closer to the creature, eyes not leaving it.

“I want to make a deal with you Dean.” It said, finally turning around to face him.

Dean looked at the creature surprised, not sure whether or not this was a trick.

“I will keep the rest of the vampires away from you and your brother, give you hunters one less thing to worry about.”

“What’s the catch?” Dean asked, eyes roaming over the creature, subconsciously looking it over for any sort of weapon.

“No catch.” It answered simply.

“Oh, c’mon, there’s always a catch.” Dean baited, looking at it incredulously.

“The only thing I’d ask in return would be for you and your brother to not come after us.”

“That’s a fair deal.” It stated at his scoff.

“You expect me and my brother to just let you continue murdering people and you’re asking me to be okay with that?” Dean asked, his tone implying how ridiculous he thought it sounded.

“Not be okay with it, just forget we’re here. As we will forget you and your brother. It’s a fair trade.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” Dean said, before lunging for the vamp.

“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you, Dean.” The vamp replied as Dean was suddenly held back by two vamps who somehow appeared behind him.

“Cocky’s sorta in my nature.” Dean stated, winking at the one girl vamp on his right arm.

She rolled her eyes and twisted Dean’s hand, forcing him to let go of the machete. The Lead Vamp walked closer to them, bending to pick the object up, admiring it with a hint of amusement.

“Times are changing, Winchester. You should take his deal.” The vamp on his left sneered.

“You should shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”

“Dean, Dean, Dean. Always so quick with the comebacks aren’t you? Maybe I should leave you alone, give you time to think about our deal, hm?” Lead Vamp said, taking Dean’s chin with his free hand.

“No way in Hell I’m letting a bunch of blood-sucking monkeys go.” Dean spat.

Lead Vamp frowned and let go of his chin, taking a few steps toward the door, pausing in it to look back at the hunter, one hand on the doorknob.

“Maybe they can help you reconsider my offer? It won’t stand forever.” He said before walking out, taking the machete with him as he closed the door.

As soon as the door clicked closed, the two vamps let go of Dean and spread out, forcing him back against one of the walls. Dean looked across to the desk, cursing has he saw that it wasn’t holding anything of use. He flicked his eyes back up to the vamps, who were getting closer, both smirking at him before the one male lunged for him.

Dean tried jumping out of the way but was caught by his ankle, making him go down hard, almost smashing his face into the floor. The female quickly sat on his back as the other one let go of his foot and stood up, smiling down at him. The girl lifted herself off him slightly, roughly flipping him over so he was laying on his back so he could see them.

“Poor little Winchester isn’t so tough now, is he?” She fake-pouted down at him.

“You’d be surprised.” He replied, eyes going to the male.

He was standing back down by his foot and picked it up in his hands, the girl sliding off of him from the force.

Great, I’m gonna be a freakin’ piñata. Dean thought as he felt the blood start rushing to his face as he was now being held completely upside down.

The girl came closer, so she was just close enough for her to touch him if she wanted to.

“What? Not gonna drink me?” Dean asked as he watched her.

“Trust me, baby, when I get through with you, you’ll be wishin’ I did.” She replied with a wink before she scraped her hands across his middle, using just enough pressure to leave marks.

“What about you, Tiny? You just gonna stand there and take orders from a woman?” Dean asked, twisting his head, trying to see the vamp holding him.

“I don’t take orders from a woman.” The vamp scoffed.

“Oh yeah? Then why does she get to have all the fun?” Dean continued, biting his lip when he felt her dig into his torso again.

“I’d shut your mouth if I were you.” She advised, her voice sickeningly sweet.

“Oh Hunny, I really can’t.”

“She doesn’t get to have all the fun!” The man exclaimed before throwing him head first into the opposite wall.

“You moron! Why’d you let him go?” The girl screamed, hitting her ‘partner’.

“He was mocking me!” He defended himself, gesturing to Dean, who was laying in a hump

“You let him go!” She shrieked, pushing the vamp backwards.

Dean groaned and rolled over slightly, judging the distance from the door to the two fighting vamps.

What are the chances…

He jumped upright and ran straight for the door, cursing when his hand slipped off the doorknob. He managed to yank the damn thing open before he crashed back down to the ground as one of the vamps tackled him again.

Damn it.

“Sammy, I’m sick.” Gabriel argued with a frown.

“Give me a second!” Came the angry response from the other room.

A moment later, the mentioned hunter came into the bedroom, holding a tray of food. He walked over and placed it across the angel’s lap before sitting down beside him, a hand on his blanket covered leg.

“How did you even get sick? You’re an angel.” Sam questioned, looking his boyfriend over carefully – he wasn’t entirely sure if he was tricking him or not.

“I don’ know, but I am. Id sucks.” He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and coughing.

“That’s all the more reason for you to eat.” Sam stated, gesturing to the tray.

“Bud I’m not hungry.” Gabriel sniffed, looking down at the food with mild disgust.

“You have to try. Just a little.” Sam bargained.

“Sam, I’m an angel, I don’ ead food anyway.” Gabriel countered.

“Angels aren’t supposed to get sick either and that happened so maybe you have to treat this like you’re human. And that means eating.”


“Damn it Gabriel! I will hold you down and force food down your throat if you don’t eat!” Sam yelled, standing up, nearly knocking the tray over.

The angel arched an eyebrow before sighing dramatically.


He leaned forward and picked up the soup bowl, sniffing it before staring at it like he didn’t know what to do with it. Sam was watching from where he’d stood up, his heart breaking slightly as he realized he’d just kicked his baby while he was down. Gabriel just continued to stare at the bowl when it hit Sam and he sat back down.

“Do – you do know how to eat, right?” Sam asked, keeping his voice gentle.

“Sam, I wad here befo’e man wad created.” Gabriel responded, but there was no real bite to his words.

“Fine then, eat.” Sam stated, crossing his arms, looking at the angel expectantly.


Both boys looked to the doorway before back at each other, Sam was already on his feet before Gabriel’s approval. He walked out into the living room and gasped as he saw a bloody, bruised and almost unconscious Dean being held up by a very distressed and clearly beat up Cas, who was leaning heavily against the wall.


“Little help?” Cas asked, looking to the hunter with huge eyes.

Sam was across the room in a blink of an eye and took his brother from the angel, laying him down carefully on the couch, eyes scanning over his injuries.

“What happened?” Sam asked, looking back to the angel.

Cas went to take a step forward, but his knees buckled and if Sam had been a second slower, he would’ve face planted into the carpet.

“Thank-you.” Cas mumbled as he tried to push himself away from the hunter.

“What happened?” Sam repeated, helping the angel to go sit in a chair.

“We were in the nest.” Cas panted.

Sam helped the angel down and walked out of the room, returning a moment later with their first aid kit. He settled down on his knees in front of his brother, figuring he needed to be patched first.

“Why are you and Gabriel suddenly reacting to things like you’re human?” Sam asked, eyes not leaving his brother.

“I…don’t know.” Cas panted, watching the youngest.

“S’m?” Dean asked, rolling his head from left to right, visibly fighting to open his eyes.

“Sh, Dean, you’re okay. You’re safe.” Sam replied, squeezing his hand slightly in reassurance.

“Nest…big nest…” Dean slurred, still not opening his eyes.

“Yeah, Dean, it’s okay. You’re home, just go to sleep.” Sam replied, moving to start wiping the blood off his face.

Dean sighed and visibly relaxed at this news, before his breathing evened out and Sam knew he’d fallen asleep.

“So you were in the nest, and what happened?” Sam asked, eyes flicking up to the angel.

“We split up-”

“You split up in the nest? Why?” Sam demanded, suddenly enraged.

“Sam? What’d wid de yelling?” Gabriel asked sheepishly from the doorway.

“They split up in the nest!” Sam repeated, standing up.

“It was your brother’s idea.” Cas spat, glaring at the Winchester.

“Why would you agree to do that?” Sam asked bewildered.

“Jedus, Sammy, wid you led de man finid a sendence?” Gabriel asked, walking over to stand beside his brother.

“Sorry, I just – I should of gone with him.” Sam said, kneeling back beside the other hunter to finish wiping up the blood.

“It’d not your fauld.” Gabriel stated.

Sam continued to look after his brother in silence, not wanting to get into it in front of the other angel. Sure, he was dating his brother but, they still weren’t that close. Hell, he still called him by his full name.

“Cad, why’re you hurd?” Gabriel asked, looking his brother up and down.

“I don’t know.” He admitted.

“Why are you sick?” He asked, tilting his head in his signature ‘I don’t understand’ expression.

“I don’ know.” Gabriel sniffed, smiling slightly.

“So, adter you splid up, whad happened?” Gabriel asked.

“I went to go check out the rest of the house. I’d ran into another one. When I went to smite it, it didn’t work. It only grinned at me before another ten came at me.”

Gabriel looked to his boyfriend, surprised, what the hell was going on with them?

“I somehow managed to get away from them after a while and went in search of Dean. I found him getting beaten up by two others without a weapon. Once I fought them off, I transported us here.” Cas explained.

Sam got up off his knees and finally looked over to the two angels, now that his brother’s injuries were taken care of. He walked the few steps closer to the angels before kneeling down in front of Cas, starting the same treatment he’d given his brother.

“What do you think is happening to you guys? I mean, almost like you’re becoming human.” Sam asked, carefully watching their expressions.

“I don’ know Sammi’d bud id ducks.” Gabriel replied, looking like someone kicked his puppy.

Sam sighed and continued cleaning Cas up. The three of them were silent while he worked, all leaving the other to his own thoughts.

Sam got back up and threw away the blood covered garments and put the first aid kit away before walking back into the room, sitting cross legged on the floor between the couch and the chair.

“Whad’re we gonna do?” Gabriel asked, looking between the angel and his baby.

“I don’t know.” Sam sighed, rubbing at his eyes with his palms.

“What’s with the glum faces? I kicked some serious ass.” Dean stated, making his brother jump.

“Dean, are you okay?” Sam asked, turning to look at his brother.

“Yeah, Sammy I’m fine. But next time I go to a nest of forty-something vamps, you’re coming with me to get your ass kicked too.” Dean replied, smirking.

Sam’s face flushed and his mouth hung open slightly at the number his brother’d just spit out.

“F-forty?” He questioned, looking at him like he was insane.

Dean nodded and looked over to where the two angels were sitting, looking worried when he saw the cuts and bruises on Cas.

“Since when can they kick your ass?” Dean questioned.

“Since today, apparently. Same reason Gabriel’s sick.” Cas answered with a small shrug.

Dean let out a whistle and looked to the second angel, who nodded and sniffed, confirming the statement.

“Damn. Guess we gotta find new boyfriends, huh Sam? No use in keeping useless angels around.” Dean joked.

“You can dry to ged rid ob us, but I doubt you’d hab much luck.” Gabriel countered, smirking back at the hunters, winking at the youngest.

“You willin’ to test that, Archangel?” Dean shot back, a playful smile on this lips.

Gabriel proceeded to throw a pillow at him before falling off the chair with the force he put behind it, right into his hunter’s lap. Sam instinctively wrapped his arms around the shorter man and watched as Dean got up and picked a sleeping Cas out of the chair (sleeping? Oh yeah, something was definitely wrong) and laid him down on the couch, slipping in as carefully as he could behind him, wrapping an arm around his middle to keep him from hitting the floor.

“You mind?” Dean asked, obviously also close to passing out himself.

“No, go ahead Dean. I gotta get Mr. Sick-O over here back to bed anyway.” Sam agreed, ruffling the angel’s hair.

“Bud I’m nod dired.” Gabriel yawned, as if almost on cue.

“Too bad, you’re sick and you need rest.” Sam replied, carefully getting up off the floor, holding the man in his arms.

“Yed mom.”

“You sound adorable when you’re sick.” Sam stated, kissing his forehead as he walked into the bedroom.

“I can be mu’d more dan dat for ya.” The angel replied, winking as he was set down in the bed.

“Not while you’re sick.” Sam refused, going to walk away, only to be stopped by the hand on his wrist.

“You’re gonna lead me?” Gabriel questioned, raising his eyebrow.

“You’re not two.” Sam countered.

He sighed as he got the angel’s for force puppy dog eyes before kissing his hand, prying said hand off his wrist and walking around to the other side of the bed, sliding in beside him. The second he was under the covers, the archangel had wiggled himself as close as possible to the other man, nuzzling his face into the giant’s neck, breathing a sigh of relief.

“Night Sammi’d.”

“Night Angel.” Sam murmured, kissing the top of his head before drifting off to sleep.

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Paperback Versions Available Now!


Hi guys!

The three e-books I have up for sale are now also available in paperback on Amazon! I added the links for each book on the Books page, which can also be found here.

This is amazing to be able to say – I can’t believe that this is happening. I feel like I’m publishing them all over again.

The hard copy books aren’t available off the Canadian site (amazon.ca) yet unfortunately, so if you live in Canada and want to buy a copy, you’ll have to get it off the American (amazon.com) site. Since the paperback option is still new, (I believe it’s in Beta) I’m hoping that it becomes available in Canada soon. For now, we’ll have to stick with shipping them from the US. As soon as they’re available for sale on the .ca site, I will let you know.

I am super excited to see them, and hold them in my hands… It’s so cool to think that this time last year, I was just beginning to write Don’t Get Caught, and now, I have three books, all out in the world and ready to become part of your collection. *Sniff* They grow up so fast! *Sniff*